Fleeting visit to Kompong Thom

Sokhom - the best guide in Kompong Thom, bar none, & the author
During a flying visit to Kompong Thom recently, I hooked up with Sokhom, my great friend and guide for my ‘off-road’ adventures in northern Cambodia over the last eight years. He gave me a hug as soon as I stepped off the bus. We then paid a fleeting visit to Sambor Prei Kuk via the back roads. Interestingly, there was no entrance fee payable for the temple complex as the two authorities in charge were in dispute as to who should collect it and a donation was suggested, when you signed the visitors book. The photos below are of the author with two of the children that frequent the temples, selling postcards, etc. These two were on their way home when they stopped to join my photo shoot. The last two photos are the same temple, I forget the name but its on the right as you leave, from two different angles. I always enjoy a visit to Sambor Prei Kuk, it has its own magic and though it’s become a lot more popular these days, it still sees only a fraction of the crowds that you experience at Angkor.

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