Random Thom
Here are some random pictures from my visit to Kompong Thom last week. I still have a flurry of photos from Sambor Prei Kuk to post here in the next day or two. Quite often on my travels I take far too many pictures of inanimate objects like temples, carvings and suchlike, and often forget to take enough people shots. It's the people of Cambodia that make the country so appealing - I must keep telling myself not to forget them going about their daily activities. One photographer who has this off to a fine art is Steve Goodman. Visit his blog to see what I mean. Anyway, enough babble, here's the pictures.
An early morning look at the main bridge, actually there are two of them, in Kompong Thom city that crosses the Stung Sen River

hello andy. i love your blog...
your affection for my blog is most welcome :-)
yeah...do u still work at hanuman?
Yes I still work as Product Manager for Hanuman Tourism, based in Phnom Penh. A great place to work, though like everyone in tourism, we have our fingers crossed about the current unstable financial climate around the globe, which will inevitably have a negative effect on visitors coming to Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.
There's an article coming out in next month's The Globe magazine on tourism in Cambodia and its future.
yes...you see i've been back tracking on your blog and see all of the fun location you been and i want to use the service of your company when i go on holiday in cambodia. can i have your contact?
My office email is andy@hanumantourism.com
My own travels are usually done under my own steam though I am lucky to get the odd trip for business purposes.
Hanuman offers a wide range of tours throughout Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos and we pride ourselves on some unique features. Let us know what you want to do and we'll give you some options and a quote to see if you like our ideas and prices.
Or, if you are on a tight budget, then of course you can always 'do it yourself'.
i just emailed you work email. im interested in travelling to vietnam and just tour around cambodia to visit all the ancient khmer site.
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