Thursday, October 2, 2008

Team photos

These boys from Wat Ratanak Reangsey were prepared to do battle
There seems to have been a series of team photos on my blog in recent weeks - so why stop now! Here are some team photos from my long weekend in Kompong Cham, all of them captured at pagodas around the province. If some of the smaller children look a bit scared, it's because they are - many of them have never seen a barang up close, let alone been asked to pose for a photograph by one. And on many occasions, the children ran away squealing as soon as I said 'som taut roop.'
Another wat, another team photo, this time at Wat Sovannakiri Meak, near Stung Trang
These boys were trying hard to stifle their giggles at Wat Kralong near Prei Chhor
No smiles from these guys who take it all very seriously, at Wat Vihear Thom in Kompong Siem district
The Wat Ratanak Reangsey group from Han Chey now have a stick to beat me with!


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