Often overlooked in the clamour surrounding Ennio Morricone and his performances are some of the outstanding classically-trained soloists from the Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra that play key roles in bringing to life the music of the Maestro during his live concerts and on CD. The orchestra was founded in 1993 and have collaborated with Morricone for the last 12 years, performing in some of the best theatres in the world.

The two know each other and trust each other to deliver and the London Apollo concerts this weekend did exactly that. Morricone is quick to identify and share the applause with his main soloists during his performances and three stood out for me, amongst the cream of the orchestra, at the concert on Friday evening. They were leading violinist
Marco Serino (pictured top left), flutist Monica Berni (pictured right) and Carlo Romano on oboe (pictured bottom left). Serino, part of the celebrated Quartetto Bernini in Italy, was called upon to display his highly-tuned skills during the second part of the programme for Deborah's Theme

from Once Upon A Time in America and Vatel.
Monica Berni accompanied Morricone on his two previous visits to England in 2001 and 2003 and is his leading flutist during The Mission and elsewhere in the programme, while
Carlo Romano has been a fixture, on oboe, with the Maestro for the last twenty-five years, and is the man behind the haunting Gabriel's Oboe. Both Berni and Romano were part of the Rai TV Orchestra for many years in Rome and are accredited soloists on many CD collaborations with Morricone such as his joint release with Dulce Pontes called Focus. You can visit Romano's website
Reposted comments:
Anonymous said...
Someone in the choir said that he played the Gabriel's oboe theme on a golden oboe last time Morricone was in the UK. Not sure if you can shed any light on this. I've just emailed him to pass on the choir's appreciation and asked him to clarify.
Incidentally, the Independent reviewed the concerts today (at http://music.guardian.co.uk/live/story/0,,1963129,00.html)and has some insights into why the July concerts were cancelled (which confirm my own suspicions). There's also a great quote in the London Evening Standard (at http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/music/gig-23355897-details/Ennio+Morricone/gigReview.do?reviewId=23376932) - "Yee-hah! - or the Italian equivalent."
7:05 AM
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