A chance to speak

Pielert's hour-long film follows Thida Buth Mam and her sisters' search to unlock the mystery of their father's disappearance in 1975. Her quest allows her to meet many people personally affected by the events of the 'Pol Pot time' and a desire to uncover the truth about what took place and why. These include Youk Chhang, the Director of DC-Cam, Arn Chorn-Pond, Aki Ra, Arun Sothea and the Venerable Yos Hut Khemacaro, while music will be supplied by Long Beach rapper praChly. Thida and her family's story has already been told in two books, authored by JoAn D Criddle under the titles, To Destroy You Is No Loss (published in 1987) and Bamboo & Butterflies : From Refugee to Citizen (published in 1992). She has been a speaker on genocide issues for many years, has appeared on US daytime tv show Oprah and has been a long-time advocate of the Khmer Rouge tribunal. Thida was also featured on Steve McClure's film Rain Falls From Earth.
Labels: Out of the Poison Tree, Thida Butt Mam
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