Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fake regulations

The S-21 interrogation regulations in 1994, in Khmer and English
An interesting but not surprising admission from Comrade Duch at the ongoing Khmer Rouge Tribunal yesterday was that the rules of interrogation that have been posted at Tuol Sleng, or S-21 to give it its official name, and read by thousands of visitors over the years, are, in his words, a fabrication. In testimony about his role at S-21, Duch said that the 10 security regulations, which were originally on the wall of Block A when I first visited Tuol Sleng in 1994 and are now on a billboard in front of the building, were "fabricated by the Vietnamese when they came in." It was the Vietnamese liberators who helped set up the genocide museum about a year after the Khmer Rouge were expelled from the capital. Duch also testified that his daily interrogation reports to Son Sen and Nuon Chea were also circulated around the Khmer Rouge's Standing Committee, effectively implicating the other defendants who are now on trial. On dissenting voice against Duch and the fabricated rules is former S-21 guard Him Huy, who said; "During the KR regime, all guards were obliged to know all disciplines, and the 10 disciplines at S-21 were written by Duch." The rules included; 'While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all,' and 'If you disobey any point of my regulations you shall get either ten lashes or five shocks of electric discharge.'
The S-21 regulations as they are today at Tuol Sleng, in Khmer, French and English

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Blogger Adam said...

Very Interesting, and plausible. I imagine we'll learn quite a lot through these trials, depending on what people choose to believe.

On only wonder, is anyone really listening? The days I have attended, most in the audience seem to be NGO workers somehow connected to the trial, court employees, and only a few journalists. The general public isn't attending in significant numbers, and neither are foreigners visiting Cambodia.

May 3, 2009 6:13 PM  

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