Glorious gospel fields - dream on!
I've mentioned my dislike for bible-bashing god-botherers before. It's still nagging away at me that they are goose-stepping and cycling their way around the streets of Phnom Penh and beyond. Is it just me or does this crap get up everyone's nose? “God is opening a new door in Cambodia, transforming the killing fields into the glorious harvest fields for the Gospel,” declared Dr Jonathan James, the international director of AEF as he officially launched the new ministry of Asia Evangelistic Fellowship (AEF) Cambodia in Kompong Thom, the one time home of the infamous Pol Pot. Dr James, in his message, encouraged the Cambodian church to marvel at the providence and grace of God in that after prolonged years of unrest, war, genocide and instability, “Cambodia’s day has come”. Why can't these so-called Christians live in the real world and talk properly without all this gibberish crap. Cambodia is a Buddhist country, so why can't you let the Cambodians get on with their own lives without forcing your fruitcake religious views down their throats. I'm all for providing help and support where it's most needed but it should come without any religious baggage attached. Bugger off and convert in your own backyard.
haha good one andy.
agreed! Amen
Andy you must let God into your life before it's too late, when the price rises!!
Tell it Andy; I couldn't agree more. I want to leave the US ~yesterday~ because of these assholes. Saving the $$ & counting the days...
I greatly enjoy your blog and I respect your view point but I have some questions for you. Originaly the people of Cambodia were animists, then became Hindus, then Buddists. Do you think they should go back to being animists - or Hindus? Don't they have the right to choose what and how they believe? Their choice of religion, (salvation) I think, should be their own. Thanks for a great blog.
As far as I know, Cambodia is only a Buddhist country because Buddhist missionaries brought the religion to Cambodia. Before that Cambodia had a different brand of Buddhism and Hinduism. Before that Cambodia had its own brand of animism.
My point is that religion is not static, even in Cambodia.
Many Christians believe that they have a responsibility to take the gospel to all the world (both in their own back yards and in Cambodia's).
I do think that missionaries need to show respect and they should not tie aide to conversion.
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