Saturday, January 2, 2010

Time stands still on the lake

Sunset at the floating village of Mechrey
Here are a few snaps from earlier Friday. Sunset at the floating village of Mechrey is an unspoilt spot which has yet to be discovered by the hordes who still tend to aim for the crowded and overrated Chong Kneas, for their sunset fix on the Tonle Sap Lake. It's a much smaller village than Chong Kneas and is no more than a strung out collection of waterborne dwellings and shops. I've included one of the underwater linga and yoni carvings at Kbal Spean, which I hiked up to see on Friday morning, as well as a snap from Pub Street on New Year's Eve with Now and myself seeing in 2010 accompanied by hordes of beer-swilling, firework-releasing party revellers.
Sunset and Mechrey behind me
We found the usual collection of animals and reptiles being kept by the fisherfolk of Mechrey including this small python, in a cage with 3 other larger snakes
The sun is out of sight and a stillness falls on Mechrey
The countdown has finished so its time for a hug and best wishes for 2010 on Pub Street with Now
The underwater linga and yoni at Kbal Spean

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