With all the football reports and pictures, temples galore and other manly, rufty-tufty stuff, there's way too much testosterone on this blog. It's only right and proper that I should counter-balance that from time to time with the fairer and let's face it, far more beautiful face of Cambodia. To that end, I will post the occasional picture of some of my friends, a few of which my regular readers will already know, like Sophoin and Now, and others who you haven't met before. And yes, most of my friends are female. Today it's the turn of Yamong, who hails from Takeo province and works in a city restaurant, and when not trying to teach me conversational Khmer, can be found enjoying (perhaps too strong a word) the fare offered up by Lucky Burger.
Labels: Yamong
Like her....
Thank you for your in-depth assessment Eric :-)
I really know how to woo the fairer sex with a beef-burger, fries and smoothie at Lucky Burger...after that they are like putty in my hands...NOT.
Couldn't think of a more perfect balance for the footie obsession Andy; Cambodia's temples as well are indeed great but to me some of their living goddesses will always win... ;).
It's a tough call Mike :-)
Beauty is of course to be found within as well as on the outside and I've been blessed with my friendships over the years in both respects.
Agreed, & ultimately internal beauty is always the most important, as are the friendships made with those that favor that quality.
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