Monument Books in Phnom Penh are going book launch crazy. They are hosting Elizabeth Becker's new book,
Bophana, tomorrow (Saturday) night and then follow that up with Peg LeVine's
Love and Dread in Cambodia next Thursday (29 April) at 6pm. Hats off to Monument Books. For Becker, she first told the Bophana love story in her excellent book When The War Was Over and this latest version is published with The Cambodia Daily and available in English, French and Khmer languages. This is a must buy book showing the strength of love under extreme circumstances. For Peg LeVine, she spent a decade researching forced marriages and births under the Khmer Rouge and the traumatic impact this had on so many. Love and Dread in Cambodia: Weddings, Births and Ritual Harm under the Khmer Rouge is published by NUS Press Singapore.
Labels: Bophana, Elizabeth Becker, Monument Books, Peg LeVine