Discovering Beng Mealea
Its not often
you get an opportunity to seek out and discover a new temple,
still very much in its natural state. The renowned Ta Prohm at
Angkor gives the visitor a glimpse of what to expect, but in
reality it bears little resemblance to the real thing. For my
last day in Siem Reap, Sok Thea, a Khmer friend and fellow
adventurer, eagerly suggested breaking new ground by visiting
Beng Mealea, more than 40 kilometres east of the main Angkor
complex. Abandoned for years due to the civil war and the
presence of the Khmer Rouge, and left to the mercy of Mother
Nature, the temple is a contemporary of Angkor Wat in its age and
floor plan but sees almost no visitors whatsoever. It proved to
be one of the highlights of my whole trip.
The day's
adventures began at 7am when Thea and our two moto-drivers, In
Sokea and Pov Lom collected me from the Freedom Hotel. We stopped
at the market to buy some bread and water to complement our fried
rice and chicken and then we were on our way, east along Route 6
towards Roluos and beyond. The highway was busy with pick-up
trucks full to overflowing with goods and passengers kicking up
blinding dust until we came to a traffic jam at a broken bridge.
Resourceful as ever, Thea motioned us to the front and we quickly
sneaked our Honda Dream bikes over a hastily-arranged but shaky
plank of wood across the gaping ravine. After an hour, we stopped
at Damdek market to buy a few more provisions
and sugar) and left the main highway. Our new route was of the
red clay variety but in reasonable condition and we made good
time along the palm tree-lined and heavily populated track. As
the houses thinned out the road became progressively worse until
we were forced to either dismount to ford flooded parts of the
track or balance precariously on recently-erected plank bridges,
where small boys requested a few hundred riel to cross. It was
just passable by moto but the recent rains had made it impossible
for anything other than a durable four-wheel drive vehicle to
make the same trip.
The valuable
work of the British de-mining charity HALO Trust was evident as
we finally reached the village of Beng Mealea at 10am. A broken
naga head and a small ruined bridge signalled we were close to
the temple complex, so we stopped to ask the whereabouts of the
temple's conservator, Chheng Chhun, who quickly appeared and was
obviously pleased that we'd followed the correct protocol and
requested his guidance. We were also joined by a scruffy-looking
group of five soldiers, one of which, the youngest, was carrying
an AK-47. Chhun suggested they tag along to ensure our safety.
We'd arrived at the southern causeway of the massive temple
complex, a rival to the monumental scale of its sister temple
Angkor Wat
but on a
single rather than pyramidal level. Built in the late-11th and
mid-12th century under the rule of King Suryavarman II, Beng
Mealea has been out of bounds to all but the most adventurous
traveller until very recently, so our excitement was mounting as
we crossed the 45 metre-wide moat and walked along the overgrown
southern causeway towards the temple, flanked by decorated naga
heads in good condition and a broken balustrade, although our
goal was hidden from view by the dense vegetation.
The bridge
and cruciform terrace in front of the blocked southern entrance
was in ruins and gave us a foretaste of what the remainder of the
temple would be like. We walked fifty metres to a gap in the
eastern enclosure wall and following the sprightly 70 year-old
Chhun, we climbed over the broken outer wall, hopping across
fallen sandstone blocks, scrambling along ledges and clambering
through small passageways to take a breather on the top of an
inner gallery. All around us, the vegetation had taken a firm
stranglehold on the walls and buildings and it was almost
impossible to make out the formal structure of the temple. What
we do know is that Beng Mealea is composed of three large
enclosing walls, each with four gopuras (or entry towers), as
well as cloisters, corner pavilions, courtyards, galleries and
library buildings.
I was expecting to see little more
than ruins but substantial areas remain intact, whilst others are
little more than a clutter of fallen debris overgrown with vines,
roots and greenery. Chhun led us, and our five army guardians, on
a circuitous route, our path often blocked by fallen masonry, but
there was plenty to see with decorated lintels, frontons,
cornices and apsara carvings in abundance and galleries,
supported on one side by a sturdy back wall and on the
other by a row of pillars as can be found at Angkor Wat and the
Bayon, although the bas-reliefs much in evidence at these
temples, are absent at Beng Mealea. Skirting around the collapsed
main sanctuary, we exited the temple by the overgrown eastern
causeway so we could visit the three royal pools, full of water
but covered with lotus and water-lillies, at Srah Keo, Srah
Baykriem and Srah Svay Kong. As we were inspecting one pool,
allegedly the home of a crocodile, two ox-carts appeared out of
the forest and Thea excitedly jumped onto the last one
for a ride
back to the southern entrance, where we rested and shared our
bread, sugar and cigarettes with Chhun and the others to thank
them for their company.
Our temple tour had lasted just
under two hours and I was exhausted. The heat inside the temple
complex was stifling and the ever-present red ants had feasted on my ankles
but the experience was memorable and not to be missed for
anything. The dense vegetation had made it almost impossible to
take any meaningful photographs but the feeling of discovery was
quite overwhelming and perhaps akin to what Henri Mouhot must've
experienced in the middle of the 19th century on seeing Angkor
for the first time. We weren't the first to visit Beng Mealea,
but it certainly felt like it.
We left a little before mid-day
and retraced our steps back towards Route 6 and Siem Reap. Before
we reached the populated stretch of track and after negotiating
the flooded parts of the route, we stopped to devour our fried
rice and chicken at a village meeting house erected by the NGO,
Carere. For dessert we played a game of foot shuttlecock with our
drivers, before continuing on our way, acknowledging the waves
and shouts of the adults and children, still unused to seeing a foreigner in their neck
of the woods. At the Roluos turn-off, we took a right fork along
a new road for at least five kilometres and as Phnom Bok loomed
large in the foreground, veered onto an unmarked track towards
our second destination of the day, the 11th century temple ruin
of Chau Srei Vibol.
Again, the route was bumpy and
pot-holed and at times, the track had been washed away by the
rains. We negotiated the flooded parts, passed through tiny
hamlets and groups of waving villagers and across a broken sandstone
naga bridge at Spean Thmor, before arriving at an active pagoda,
Wat Trach, and the laterite outer wall of the temple. Thea and
myself walked up the hill, similar to Phnom Bakheng but not
nearly as steep, to the ruined temple buildings at the top,
housed alongside the shell of a modern temple, where orange-robed
monks from the wat below were constructing a roof.
At least three major sandstone structures,
a sanctuary and two libraries, are easily identifiable with
decorative carvings on the doorways and cornices and a couple of
broken lions flank the steep eastern entrance gate. We walked
around the outer wall to the southern and western gopuras and
outbuildings with some damaged lintels and frontons before
returning to our motos where the wat's head monk was waiting to
offer us fresh coconut milk. I couldn't resist a photo as we
thanked him for his generosity and continued our journey back to
Siem Reap, stopping briefly at Chbar Chin, where the laterite
foundations of an Angkorean temple form the base of a small
Buddhist wat, arriving back at the hotel at 5pm. Ten hours on the
back of a moto and I was in desperate need of a hot bath, but the
day had been a major success and one to remember for a very long
time to come.
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