Face to Face with the Locals
Following my
successful visit to Banteay Srei and Banteay Samre in the
morning, I felt refreshed after a cold shower, a quick nap and
lunch at the French-run One & Only cafe-bar, opposite the
covered market in Siem Reap. The plan for the afternoon was to
visit a new batch of temples on the Grand Circuit at Angkor,
concentrating on those in and around the now-dry Eastern Baray.
Soydy, my guide, returned at 2pm and we drove out, on his moto,
past the lake at Srah Srang and onto the funerary temple of Pre
Rup. I'd visited the site before and the view from the top of
this five tower temple-pyramid made the effort worthwhile.
However, it
was a fleeting visit as I was really on the lookout for a young
souvenir seller named Kin, whom I'd met twelve months before and
who'd sat with me in the shade while I'd rested at Pre Rup and
drawn me a flower with coloured crayons I'd given her. Kin was a
really bright and bubbly individual and Soydy enquired at the
stall near the temple entrance if they recognised her and her two
friends, Pholla and Naning from the photo I handed them (left;
Kin is in the centre). They immediately pointed to a dirt track
leading into the bushes and suggested we might find them there.
At the end of a bumpy track, which passed by the tiny Leak Neang
temple, we entered a clearing and came to a halt in the middle of
a celebration in the village of Tatry. A collection of wooden and
bamboo shacks encircled the clearing and the whole area was
buzzing with women and children picnicking, all of whom seemed to
stop talking and eating as we came into view. I felt a little
unnerved as everyone gathered round and Soydy attempted to
translate that I was looking for Kin to give her some gifts by
way of a thank you for the picture she'd drawn for me. There was
an immediate recognition of the three girls in the picture I held
up and although Kin wasn't to be found, lots of giggling and
pointing finally produced Pholla, who shyly stepped forward from
the crowd and accepted a copy of the photograph and a few
necklaces and earrings.
Pholla explained to us that Kin was at
school a few kilometres away but would remember the English
tourist who'd given her the crayons and other gifts a year
before. She also explained that she wasn't at school because the
villagers were celebrating the twelfth birthday of three young
girls, one of whom was her sister, with a feast. Known as 'kor
sak,' a puberty rite symbolizing the passage from childhood to
adolescence, all three had their heads shaved except for a
top-knot of hair, they were dressed in pink and white robes and a
rickety bamboo platform had been constructed and festooned with
coloured ribbon and flowers in preparation for a ceremony later
that same day. So we didn't outstay our welcome, I handed out a
packet of balloons to the smaller children who'd followed me in
true Pied Piper fashion since my arrival, said our goodbyes to
the crowd of smiling onlookers monitoring our every move and made
our way back onto the main road to continue our tour.
thwarted in my attempt to meet up again with Kin, my
disappointment had been tempered by the exceptionally friendly
reception I'd received from the rest of the Tatry villagers. Our
next stop was at the Eastern Mebon temple, which is similar in
style, construction and decoration to Pre Rup and built by the
same king, Rajendravarman II, in the latter part of the tenth
century. It once stood in the centre of the Eastern Baray, now a
collection of rice fields and visible from the top of this
temple-mountain. As I climbed, I was joined by four young girls
with their bags of souvenirs who quickly tired of their own sales
patter and eagerly looked at a book of photographs I showed them
as we rested from the sun in the shade of a tower (left). Stone
lions and elephants, two levels of brick towers and intricate
carvings and lintels had made the effort of the climb worthwhile.
As we left the temple, I joined a group of half a dozen
youngsters, much to their delight, in a game of keeping a
shuttlecock in the air by using only your feet, called 'tot sey'
in Khmer. My temple quartet and Soydy also joined in, displaying
our skills to a growing crowd of onlookers for at least half an
hour, before leaving, very hot and dishevelled, but with a host
of new friends, who clapped enthusiastically and shook my hand
with gusto.
Back on
Soydy's moto, our final port of call was Ta Som, a small
unrestored twelfth century Jayavarman VII temple. We arrived at
5pm, long after the last of the tourists had been and gone and
walked through the peaceful temple grounds on our own, admiring
in particular the giant faces on the eastern entry tower,
entangled in huge vines (right) before making for the exit and a
much-needed ice cold drink at the stall just outside the gate. We
exchanged some light-hearted banter with half a dozen girls
manning the stand and as a parting gift, I gave each of them a
necklace or bracelet, which they examined in detail, declared
themselves satisfied and posed for a photograph. A very
satisfying day with lots of happy memories was rounded off with a
brief detour to inspect a couple of Angkorean-era towers located
just behind Wat Preah Einkosei (also known as Wat Leu), on the
outskirts of Siem Reap town. The light was fading as Soydy
pointed out the weather-worn lintels, including Indra on a
three-headed elephant, on the laterite towers in the grounds of
the modern Buddhist pagoda. It was then back onto the moto for a
short hop to the Bayon restaurant for my supper before retiring
to bed and a well-earned rest.
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