Animated banner by Bun Heang Ung.


Although they'll only really be of interest to myself, family members and friends, I thought I'd post a few photos, especially as my brother Tim keeps badgering me to put his ugly mug on the internet!

Click on any picture to see a larger version or to place your mouse pointer over the picture to read the caption.

Whatever became of this gorgeous baby? My first picture, aged 6 months.Okay, so its not Wembley, but I'd just scored the only goal of a local football cup final for Hatherley Rangers, so we were quite happy! I'm in the middle with the cheesy grin.

May 2001: Tim (in white shirt) and I meet one of Leeds United's all-time greats, Allan Clarke.  One of the great nights of all-time! Kidderminster Harriers had just won the FA Trophy and Tim & I are celebrating (a bit too much if the truth be known) with friend and Harriers defender Clive Boxall.

The little chap sitting on the stool, aged 2 and a bit, is me. Behind me is my mum, my sister Marie and my older brother Paul.Who's that? Well, actually it's me! In 1976 long hair was all the rage, honest! Frank Skinner is one of the UK's top comics. In this photo, I'm pretending to be his straight man.

Website author - November 2005 edition - my wife says it looks a 'bit' like me.

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The contents of this website cannot be reproduced or copied without permission of the site author. © Andy Brouwer 2008